Why MindChamps is the perfect partner for you

Why MindChamps is the perfect partner for you

Only MindChamps has everything in place to set you up for success!

By investing in your own MindChamps International PreSchool & Early Learning centre, you will have instant access to a proven and highly profitable business model.

This is your opportunity to be the leader of a global brand within your own local community, while being a hands-on Owner-Operator running your own centre and employing many others. As a brand trusted by parents around the world, you can also leverage on MindChamps’ industry-leading curriculum and education approach while taking advantage of our Turnkey operation.

You don’t need a background in early childhood or childcare as we have set up a training programme that is designed to provide on-going support and mentoring on core operations and business management. Our highly experienced franchise support team will work with you throughout the journey to give you the best chance of a successful beginning to your new venture.

As a multi-award-winning franchisor, we ensure the highest quality standards by providing full training and support to all our franchisees. The key strengths of partnering with MindChamps include:

  • Our number one priority will always be the Quality of Care and Safety of our children in our centres
  • Our unique educational pedagogy which is based on decades of research
  • Ensuring that teachers are provided with up to 200 hours of professional training and accreditation in the MindChamps learning model
  • Strong and consistent branding
  • Well-established operational systems and guidelines
  • Comprehensive support from MindChamps Headquarters in terms of legal, operations, training and marketing
  • Quality control that is maintained through regular visits and checks made by MindChamps Headquarters

We are looking for entrepreneurs, not investors – people who are willing to get involved in every aspect of the business and are in for the long run.

Most importantly, we are looking for people who want to grow a business based on mutual trust and respect that will ultimately transform the world!

By investing in your own MindChamps International PreSchool & Early Learning centre, you will have instant access to a proven and highly profitable business model.

This is your opportunity to be the leader of a global brand within your own local community, while being a hands-on Owner-Operator running your own centre and employing many others. As a brand trusted by parents around the world, you can also leverage on MindChamps’ industry-leading curriculum and education approach while taking advantage of our Turnkey operation.

You don’t need a background in early childhood or childcare as we have set up a training programme that is designed to provide on-going support and mentoring on core operations and business management. Our highly experienced franchise support team will work with you throughout the journey to give you the best chance of a successful beginning to your new venture.

As a multi-award-winning franchisor, we ensure the highest quality standards by providing full training and support to all our franchisees. The key strengths of partnering with MindChamps include:

  • Our number one priority will always be the Quality of Care and Safety of our children in our centres
  • Our unique educational pedagogy which is based on decades of research
  • Ensuring that teachers are provided with up to 200 hours of professional training and accreditation in the MindChamps learning model
  • Strong and consistent branding
  • Well-established operational systems and guidelines
  • Comprehensive support from MindChamps Headquarters in terms of legal, operations, training and marketing
  • Quality control that is maintained through regular visits and checks made by MindChamps Headquarters

We are looking for entrepreneurs, not investors – people who are willing to get involved in every aspect of the business and are in for the long run.

Most importantly, we are looking for people who want to grow a business based on mutual trust and respect that will ultimately transform the world!

A Turnkey operation
Initial and ongoing support
Excellent Marketing Support
A lifetime opportunity to make a difference in the lives of children
Opportunities for business growth and a strong financial return
Support and training for teachers to deliver our research-backed curriculum
A proven and succesful system of operation

Only MindChamps has been hailed as a 21st Century Global Education Movement!

“While the companies (Mercedes-Benz, Starbucks & The Ritz Carlton Hotel Company) featured in my prior books demonstrate impressive brand power, none of them have been in a position to fundamentally shape society on par with MindChamps.”

Dr Joseph A. Michelli
#New York Times and Wall Street Journal
Best Selling Author

Our children are quite literally the future. They will be the leaders of tomorrow. And so, as parents and educators, by nurturing them to their fullest potential we are fundamentally shaping society and changing the world.

MindChamps grew from a passion for filling the gaps in education systems worldwide. With a vision to provide the world’s best early childhood curriculum and care, we focus on the skills and strategies of learning. We emphasise teaching the ‘how to learn’ rather than the ‘what to learn’.

Developed originally in Sydney, and based on over two decades of international research, the unique MindChamps approach forms the foundation for our breakthrough educational programme in 86 MindChamps centres across Australia, Singapore and the Asia-Pacific region.

MindChamps has esteemed international experts on its World Research, Advisory and Education Team and draws inspiration and research data from the domains of Education, Psychology, Neuroscience and Theatre.

MindChamps is the only educational institute to have as our Chair of Research, the award-winning neuroscientist Emeritus Professor Allan Snyder, Fellow of the Royal Society, and founder of the Centre for the Mind at the University of Sydney and the Australian National University.

All this is why we have been hailed as a 21st Century Global Education Movement by New York Times and Wall Street Journal No. 1 bestselling author Dr Joseph A. Michelli.

It’s time to own your own MindChamps International PreSchool & Early Learning centres​ and join us in changing the world for the better!

Only MindChamps has the US and Singapore patent-pending MindChamps Music Programme

MindChamps Music

We are the only preschool in the world with the USA and Singapore patent-pending MindChamps Music Programme! (U.S.A. Patent Pending: 17/644,293, Singapore Patent Pending: 10202113952V)

This revolutionary programme is the breakthrough synthesis with the unique MindChamps 3-Mind education model. This integrative music programme will develop a Champ’s early learning capacity through the powerful medium of music, nurturing neural development in shared brain areas, building capacity across the domains of Language, Mathematics, Science, Social-Emotional Development, Visual Art and Kinesthetics.

As the owner of a MindChamps centres , you will be part of a movement that is transforming early childhood education for a better, brighter future for all our children

Only MindChamps has a Wholefood Nutrition Philosophy that has been hailed as a “Childcare Food Revolution” by News Corp in Australia

“With the MindChamps team, I am amplifying my life’s work and passion. Their commitment to nurturing the power of human potential for a better tomorrow is the perfect complement to my own values - creating an environment for optimal development and lifelong wellbeing for families.”

Mandy Sacher
MindChamps Global Chief Nutrition Officer

At MindChamps, we believe in nurturing the total wellbeing of Champs – Mind, Body and Soul – and that 80% of their nutritional needs should be fulfilled in our centres.

Did you realise that in the first six years of life, children will eat more meals in preschool than they do with their parents at home? This is a responsibility MindChamps take very seriously and, as such, we have invested heavily in the research and creation of a breakthrough nutrition programme – the MindChamps Wholefood Philosophy.

This programme has already been launched in our MindChamps PreSchools in Australia to widespread acclaim by the major Australian press, including The Herald Sun, which proclaimed this initiative to be a ‘Childcare Food Revolution’.

The MindChamps Wholefood Philosophy includes the creation of a ChampionGold Standard nutrition plan across all centres, providing effective strategies and tips to overcome mealtime struggles, access to nutritional guides and healthy recipes as well as additional health and nutritional information from pre-pregnancy up to the adult years.

Partner with us to make a lasting impact on the health and wellbeing of young children and their families.

Only MindChamps has a research-backed preschool curriculum that’s relevant for the 21st century.

When it comes to early childhood education, Montessori and Reggio Emilia are virtually household names. However, they also originated in the early to mid-20th century, so the question is – are they relevant for the world our children are growing up in the 21st century?

At MindChamps we believe in continuously conducting research to enhance our offerings to ensure that all Champs receive the best and most importantly, relevant education that prepares them for the 21st century and beyond.

Unique, research-backed curriculum and IP

Unlike Early Learning businesses, MindChamps has its own unique, research-backed curriculum and Intellectual Property.

Our World Research, Advisory and Education Team comprises of award-winning, world-leading experts in the four domains of Education, Psychology, Neuroscience and Theatre who have built a unique pedagogy and curriculum.

The MindChamps Global Research Advisory and Education Team is chaired by world-renowned neuroscientist Emeritus Professor Allan Snyder, a Fellow of the Royal Society and Marconi Prize-winner. Professor Snyder is the researcher who studied and coined the term ‘Champion Mindset’, based on studies of the world’s great achievers, which enables every individual to become the best that they can be.


The 3-Mind Model of Education

MindChamps International PreSchool & Early Learning offers programmes based on its research-based, revolutionary 3-Mind model of education: The Learning Mind promotes academic excellence; the Creative Mind frees the imagination; and the Champion Mind instills perseverance and excellence.

MindChamps Reading & Writing™

MindChamps has as developed a unique Reading & Writing™ programme, backed by an investment of over $4 million to research, develop and produce over 200 eBooks.


MindChamps’ proprietary S.M.I.L.E.S.™ methodology provides integrative learning activities and experiences to engage and promote Sensory, Motor, Intellectual, Linguistic, Emotional and Social development in young minds.

Because of our proven, research-backed approach, we require all our teachers (regardless of prior qualifications or experience) to undergo up to 200 hours of professional training and accreditation in the scientific underpinnings, philosophy and practical delivery of the MindChamps learning model.

Join us in making sure our children get the education and curriculum they need for the 21st century – and beyond!

This unique model of education nurtures the Champion Mind, Creative Mind and Learning Mind in children, providing them with the strongest of foundations for life and learning.

MindChamps’ extensive research has also resulted in our one-of-a-kind Reading & Writing™ programme which nurtures the love for reading and writing for life.

The MindChamps World Research, Advisory and Education Team has developed our proprietary S.M.I.L.E.S.™ methodology, which provides integrative learning activities and experiences to engage and promote Sensory, Motor, Intellectual, Linguistic, Emotional and Social development in young minds.

Because of our proven, research-backed approach, we require all our teachers (regardless of prior qualifications or experience) to undergo up to 200 hours of professional training and accreditation in the scientific underpinnings, philosophy and practical delivery of the MindChamps learning model.

At MindChamps, our overarching philosophy of 100% Respect, Zero Fear is a way of approaching the world that leads us to have full confidence in ourselves, while considering the rights and opinions of others.

Now is your time to be part of the Global Education Movement of the 21st Century!

Because of our proven, research-backed approach, we require all our teachers (regardless of prior qualifications or experience) to undergo up to 200 hours of professional training and accreditation in the scientific underpinnings, philosophy and practical delivery of the MindChamps learning model.

Benefit from guaranteed government subsidies


More than 1.2 million children currently attend a childcare centre across Australia. The continued growth in Australia’s younger population and rising female participation rates in the workforce means that there will be ever greater demands for childcare and early learning centres. In fact, it is estimated that this growth will create the need for 100,000 more childcare placements across the industry.

The Australian government understands the vital role that the childcare industry plays in supporting society and enabling parents to contribute to economic growth. As such, they have added A$1.7bn over three years to the money already budgeted for childcare (currently A$10.3bn a year). This spending will particularly benefit families with two or more children under five.

As an owner of a MindChamps International PreSchool & Early Learning centres, your business can leverage this support as we work together to transform the childcare industry ad create the leaders of tomorrow.

MindChamps is the Early Learning and PreSchool you’d want for your own child

The vast majority of our MindChamps International PreSchool & Early Learning business owners​ are parents. In fact, you are probably one yourself. So, you understand how important it is to make sure your child has the best possible start in life.

For many of our business owners, the start of their MindChamps journey began as they sought out an Early Learning Centre for their own children. When they discovered MindChamps and our vision for providing the world’s best early childhood curriculum and care, they were convinced – not only for who MindChamps could benefit their children but also for how the MindChamps business model could create a secure and bountiful future for their family while making a difference in the lives of others.

But don’t take our word for it. Hear for yourself what our business owners have to say. And then make a commitment to join us in taking the MindChamps movement to the world!


1 Bay Street,Broadway Shopping Center,
Ultimo NSW 2007
( Access Via North Parking,Level 2A )
Would you like to find out more?

    Fill out this form and our Franchise Support Team will get in touch!

      I consent to the collection,use and disclosure of my personal information by MindChamps Holdings Pte Limited, its related corporations and the franchisees of its related corporations (individually and collectively the “MindChamps Group”) for the purposes of (a) processing and responding to my enquiries; (b) providing services and sending you information on special events, promotions, offers and other marketing and promotional material; and (c) such other purposes as set out in section 2 of MindChamps’ Privacy Policy, which can be accessed a https://www.mindchamps.org/privacy-policy/, in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 and MindChamps’ Privacy Policy.

      I acknowledge that I have read and consent to the above and you may contact me via my email account, telephone, SMS and/or other phone number-based messaging at the details provided in this form.*

            Fill out this form and our Franchise Support Team will get in touch!

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              I consent to the collection,use and disclosure of my personal information and the personal information of my child by MindChamps Holdings Pte Limited, its related corporations and the franchisees of its related corporations (individually and collectively the “MindChamps Group”) for the purposes of (a) processing and responding to my enquiries; (b) providing services and sending you information on special events, promotions, offers and other marketing and promotional material; and (c) such other purposes as set out in section 2 of MindChamps’ Privacy Policy, which can be accessed a https://www.mindchamps.org/privacy-policy/, in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 and MindChamps’ Privacy Policy.

              I acknowledge that I have read and consent to the above and you may contact me via my email account, telephone, SMS and/or other phone number-based messaging at the details provided in this form.*

                I consent to the collection,use and disclosure of my personal information and the personal information of my child by MindChamps Holdings Pte Limited, its related corporations and the franchisees of its related corporations (individually and collectively the “MindChamps Group”) for the purposes of (a) processing and responding to my enquiries; (b) providing services and sending you information on special events, promotions, offers and other marketing and promotional material; and (c) such other purposes as set out in section 2 of MindChamps’ Privacy Policy, which can be accessed a https://www.mindchamps.org/privacy-policy/, in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 and MindChamps’ Privacy Policy.

                I acknowledge that I have read and consent to the above and you may contact me via my email account, telephone, SMS and/or other phone number-based messaging at the details provided in this form.*