How To Help Your Child Cope With the Longer School Term

Singapore’s education system has been put in a unique situation this year with the COVID-19 pandemic. Globally, many countries have had to close schools to minimise the spread of the virus among the children. For schools in some countries, the closure is for an indefinite period of time. An Unprecedented Change in the School Calendar...

8 Free E-Learning Resources to Occupy Your Kids with at Home

With the rise in COVID-19 cases reported recently and the circuit breaker measures in place from 8 April to 4 May 2020, schools have now switched to full home-based learning and free e-learning resources while preschool services are suspended. Your child’s teachers would have made arrangements for online lessons to be conducted and daily assignments...

MOE: 2020 School Term and School Holiday Dates

As announced by the Ministry of Education (MOE) on 13 August 2019 (Tuesday), the school term for all MOE primary and secondary schools is set to begin on 2 January 2020 and end on 20 November 2020. For students in their first year of Junior College (JC) or Millennia Institute (MI), school starts on 5...

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