5 Surprising Benefits of Reading to Children

Reading and storytelling are two important ways in which parents can help their child to foster brain development and imagination. Not only are these activities a form of bonding between the parents and the child, it also allows the child to be given a safe environment where language and emotions can be expressed without judgement....

Reading in Children: An Expert Guide to Raising Children Who Love to Read

Reading is an essential skill that needs to be cultivated in early childhood to increase cognitive and emotional development. Through reading, not only will a child’s vocabulary be extended, it piques their curiosity too which leads to improved concentration and better ideas. Children also gain vital communication and social skills by understanding the interactions between...

4 Hallmarks of Successful Reading Programmes for Kids

Good reading programmes for kids boast of similar outcomes for your child. While these programmes are absolutely vital for your child’s early learning development, it can be difficult to find the right one. Here are a few hallmarks of a successful reading programme for kids. Reading programmes should inspire confidence in children Most kids do not...

5 Smart Strategies to Help Kids Remember What They Read

Reading is one thing, but retaining what you read is another. Just because a child is able to sound out the words in a story does not necessarily mean that he or she comprehends the meaning. Often, children experience difficulty in remembering what they read, especially if they are confused by or uninterested in the...

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