Reading Programmes for Kids: Which is the Right One for My Child?

Before enroling your child in a reading programme, are you forgetting one crucial step? Always start by finding out your child’s reading abilities and learning style first. This can be done through a comprehensive literacy assessment. Choose reading programmes for kids that offer literacy assessments How do you know if a reading programme will really...

Common Reading Comprehension Difficulties Children Struggle With

Is your child struggling with reading comprehension? Before you help him/her, it is important to understand the underlying causes of the reading challenges that your child is facing. What is reading comprehension? Researchers have defined reading comprehension as a multi-faceted process where readers construct meaning as they interact with the text. Comprehension is only possible...

Reading in Children: 8 Ways to Raise an Avid Reader

Reading holds great value for a child’s development. Research shows that reading can boost cognitive ability and verbal skills in children. Reading for leisure can be a much-needed relaxation activity for children, which also boosts their imagination as they are introduced to new worlds and characters. Fluent reading is essential for children to be self-directed...

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