Teaching Responsibility to Preschoolers: How To Get Started

Responsibility is a big word to little children. However, that does not mean that they are unable to understand what it means. In the words of Uncle Ben, Spider Man’s Uncle, “With great powers comes great responsibility”. Teaching children the value of responsibility is a life-long parenting challenge that many parents have to go through....

Preschoolers Give Back, Sparking Joy in the Elderly

Our preschoolers from MindChamps Chinese PreSchool @ Tampines Central picked up some important life lessons recently when they celebrated Parents’ Day at the BreadTalk HQ. Jointly organised by BreadTalk, North East Community Development Council (NECDC) and MindChamps Chinese PreSchool @ Tampines Central, the celebration which focused on one of MindChamps’ 10 values, ‘I am Grateful’,...

“Love makes a child’s brain grow!” – A journey which led to the start of MindChamps @ Nordcom II (Sembawang)

The centre directors of MindChamps PreSchool @ Nordcom II share their life journey which led to the opening of the newest MindChamps PreSchool in the north of Singapore! We believe that every child is “beloved”. “Beloved” means to be loved, which is why our centre strives to create a loving environment to nurture our children....

How To Teach Your Children Respect

Every child is born with a different personality, but all of them need to be taught how to be respectful. Proper etiquette and manners are not merely surface-level niceties. In fact, these reflect deeper values of respect and even empathy. We’ve all come across personalities who are positive and respectful, making them a joy to...

How to Set Appropriate Boundaries for Children

Parenting is like a dance. It requires some give and take in terms of the control and freedom we give to our children. How do we set appropriate boundaries so they can stay safe and yet exercise their independence and express their personality? And how do we adjust these boundaries as they grow? The ‘V...

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