When it comes to sending our little ones off to school, parents often feel a little twinge at the thought of entrusting our babies to someone else for much of the day. Because our children are so precious to us, we want to know that our children are in good hands, even if they are not in ours.
In that vein, a good childcare centre will be able to work together with parents to build close relationships. One way of doing this is by grasping opportunities for special parent-child bonding activities whenever possible, such as during special cultural festivals and holidays.
Here is how MindChamps PreSchool, a childcare centre in Macpherson, is able to do this to foster closer bonds between the triangle points of parent, child and educator.
Families celebrate together during Chinese New Year
Preschoolers from MindChamps Macpherson were treated to a massive intergenerational celebration at Chinese New Year. Both parents and grandparents were warmly welcomed to the festivities, which is particularly appropriate given that ‘family reunion’ is a major theme during this time of the year.

Much to everyone’s delight, the children entertained their family members with adorable performances including a dramatisation of ‘The Story of Nian’, while their grandparents did their part by sharing the reason why Chinese New Year is celebrated.

What is Chinese New Year without food and fun? Everyone indulged in some exciting party games before savouring a hearty meal together. Ms Khoo Li Zhen, mother of little Hector, is glad that the school calls for parents’ involvement in such activities. “My child asked me if there would be another occasion where I would come to his classroom and do crafts with him again!” she shares proudly.

Read also: 4 Ways Preschoolers Learn Things Differently at MindChamps PreSchool @ MacPherson
Overcome your fears at this childcare centre in Macpherson
Chinese New Year is not the only holiday that is celebrated in MindChamps Macpherson. Although celebrated on a smaller scale in Singapore, for Halloween, the teachers at the centre planned a spooky night filled with playful Halloween activities, themed finger food and games for parents and children alike.

To make the most of the celebration, the teachers wanted to seize the opportunity to help their students overcome whatever fears they may have for scary monsters and creepy crawlies by demystifying them and making them fun.

Our preschoolers’ parents really jumped into the activities with both feet! Families came for the event in full costumes ranging from Star Wars stormtroopers to Harry Potter characters. Ms. Sennett Tan, who attended the celebration in a funky skeleton dress, felt that the Halloween party was truly meaningful. “We enjoyed the obstacle game in the gym room where my daughter Scarlett followed our instructions clearly to achieve the final goal,” she recalls.

Bring Science lessons to life, from school to home
For the preschoolers at MindChamps Macpherson, it is easy to take learning beyond the four walls of the classroom. During a particularly memorable ‘Mini Beast’ themed lesson, the teachers brought the children on a walking trail to discover the denizens of the insect kingdom, as well as to a butterfly farm which gave the school their very own butterfly egg to raise.

The parents were involved in their children’s learning on ‘Mini Beasts’ from the very beginning, as they helped their children to create artwork based on their favourite insects, to even hunting down some real live insects to display on the school table. The grand finale of this unique and engaging project was a drama put up by the children for their parents, based on ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle.

Ms. Louisa Low enjoyed the play very much, saying it was ‘very well-planned’ and that the activities had helped her and her son to bond more meaningfully. Another mother of two children at MindChamps Macpherson, Ms. Victorya, thought that the home projects would be ‘tedious’ at first, but later realised that working with her children had helped ‘create a better bond between parents and child’, and looks forward to more of such projects in the future!

Read also: Working Near MacPherson? Here’s Why You Should Enrol Your Child at this Childcare Centre
With so many opportunities for parents to get involved in their children’s learning, it is no wonder that this childcare centre in Macpherson is well-loved by all who pass through its gates.
Written by JoBeth Williams
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