Welcome mummies and daddies to MindChamps Infant Care Singapore @ Buona Vista – where every day is a bright and happy day!
Ever wonder what goes on at this cosy corner every day?
Here’s a sneak peek at some of the activities that our littlest Champs get up to under the guidance of our Champion educarers.
It’s time to get active!
During the first year, one of the key developments that babies go through involve that of their gross motor skills, which involves the larger, stronger muscle groups of their body. The development of these muscles is crucial as it leads to a baby’s ability to hold his/her head up, sit up independently, crawl and eventually walk, run and skip.
At MindChamps Infant Care @ Buona Vista, our educarers are trained to conduct specific exercises to stimulate the development of the babies’ gross motor skills. Some examples include tummy time and Babymooves, which is essentially gym time that is tailored for our littlest Champs.
Read also: The Beginner’s Guide to Infant Care Subsidy in Singapore
The start of language and vocabulary
Babies learn language by taking in information through their sense of sight and hearing, for it is through this that they learn to process the meaning behind the sights and sounds that they take in.

One of the ways in which we introduce language and vocabulary to our babies is through storytelling and puppetry.
Although they may not know how to talk yet or what the words mean, our babies are drawn towards the actions and sounds created by the educarers during story time.
Over time, their experiences with this will form the base of their language abilities.
Read more: Reasons Why the Best Infant Care Comes With a Researched-Backed Curriculum
We love our food
Once our babies start the weaning process at 6 months old, a mealtime routine will be established where they will be fed with a delicious menu of healthy, nutritional food.

Fresh puree is made daily using various fruits and vegetables such as pumpkin, sweet potato and apple. This will be fed to babies who are just starting out in the weaning process. For older babies who are able to take chunkier food, we serve a variety of baby-friendly dishes which includes ingredients such as lentils, cous cous, millet and brown rice mixed with vegetables and protein sources such as chicken or fish.
Read also: A Complete Guide to Choosing an Infant Care Centre in Singapore
Do watch this space for more updates on our littles Champs at MindChamps Infant Care @ Buona Vista.