As our preschoolers learn about the world around them and how things work, we do our best to impart important lessons that they can take with them throughout their growing up years.
But what can we do to prepare them for emergency situations that requires them to think on their feet?
A lesson on first aid
Having knowledge on first aid is very beneficial – be it for adults or young children.
This realisation inspired the team at MindChamps PreSchool @ Concorde Hotel (Orchard) to organise a session on first aid for the preschoolers and their parents, to empower them with the skills to administer first aid to others who might need it one day.

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Conducted by the Singapore Emergency Responder Academy (SERA), the preschoolers and their parents learnt simple first aid techniques such as:
- How to bandage wounds
- The proper use of a plaster
- How to administer Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
- How to help someone who is choking
These were done through simulation activities and hands-on exercises, and were definitely the highlight of the session for the children. Staying calm and focused while the instructors went through the first aid techniques, the children were clearly satisfied when they were able to perform the tasks demonstrated earlier.

To motivate them to keep up with their efforts, the children were each awarded a “Young First Aider” badge at the end of the session.

Our children and their parents share their thoughts on the session:
Yan Jun, Parent of Lam Chen Yi
Our son knows what an AED is and would point out the AED machines he sees in public spaces like at the MRT station or at the HDB void decks. One interesting thing I took away from the class is that lotion, Panadol etc are not considered first aid items and that we should put together a first aid box with only items that are immediately useful to manage injuries.
Cecily, Parent of Chris Wang
It is very good to raise awareness from such a young age. The training was well-organised, the content and the length of the training is just perfect. I know the instructors made an enormous effort with the Champs and they may not be used to training such young kids. They could make the session more fun like through a role-play or game-based activity, which may help to attract their attention.
Overall, I found the session very useful. Chris bandaged everyone in the house for a few days. That weekend, on the way to a nearby park, a boy fell off from his bike. Chris said to me, “Mummy, quickly, let’s take a look. He might be injured.” Then when we went close and he saw the boy got up, he said, “Mummy, he’s ok. No need to bandage.”
Dong Mei, Parent of Aiden Tan
The session was educational and fun! Now my son knows what to do in an emergency situation: call 995, administer CPR, putting on a plaster, and tending to his wound and that of others.
Tay Yu Chi, Parent of Hannah Tay
The First Aid event was a first for Hannah. It gave her a basic understanding of what to do during an emergency and raised awareness not to panic.
Ryan Wu (N1): I learnt how to bandage my arm and I like it a lot.
Chris Wang (N1): I can shout ‘995’ and ask someone to call the ambulance.
Aerin Tan (N1): When my Mummy’s hand is hurt, I can help her.
Tan Ray Dien (N1): I like the dolphin badge!
Thank you to the Singapore Emergency Responder Academy (SERA) for conducting this useful session, and for all our parents for taking time out of your busy schedule to join us on that day!
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