3 Tips To Ace Composition Writing In School

As your Champ heads to primary school, their curriculum will expand to include more subjects, with one of them being the English language. In the primary school English language syllabus, students are tested for their literacy and comprehension skills.  Because English is the primary medium of instruction for all other subjects, it’s important for Champs...

3 Ways of Revising for the PSLE 2021

The end of the year is in sight, that means the PSLE and year-end exams are just around the corner.  It is around this time that you and your child might be feeling some apprehension. Although it may be normal for nerves to creep in, it’s worth acknowledging that your child has put in hard...

DSA Sports: Top 5 Questions Parents Ask About Selection Criteria

Getting into one’s choice school is always a dream for hopeful students despite the tough competition they may face. One way to do this is Direct School Admission (DSA), an alternative route which allows students to get into the school of their dreams before taking the PSLE. It is a chance for students to display their talents in sports, co-curricular activities and specific academic areas without relying solely on their PSLE results. At a recent DSA talk, parents posed...

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