What You Should Know About a Play-Based Curriculum for Playgroups in Singapore

Completing worksheets at a desk may seem like the proper way to ensure that learning outcomes are met, but research has shown that something else contributes significantly to a child’s early cognitive, social, and emotional development: Play. Rather than only posing close-ended questions, a well-rounded playgroup in Singapore introduces a play-based curriculum full of explorative...

Kindergartens in the East of Singapore: A Handy Guide to MindChamps PreSchool Centres in the East

Are you looking for a kindergarten in the east of Singapore for your child? A popular choice among parents island-wide, MindChamps PreSchools in Singapore offers cutting-edge learning and enrichment programmes for children from 18 months to 6 years old, in the playgroup, nursery and kindergarten levels. In particular, our kindergarten programme is specially designed to...

MindChamps PreSchool Singapore Welcome Day (Open House 2017)

Find Out How to Nurture a MindChampion! The only preschool to nurture children with the Champion Mindset, MindChamps PreSchool Singapore aims to nurture all aspects of preschoolers (from 18 months to six years old) in a stimulating, nurturing and age-appropriate environment. Our unique S.M.I.L.E.S.™ curriculum brings together research and development from the 3 domains of Psychology, Neuroscience...

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