It is important that Champs know the importance of maintaining good dental health and realise how taking care of their teeth helps to prevent oral health issues.
Our K1 Champs at MindChamps PreSchool @ West Coast Plaza paid a visit to the dentist recently for an enriching lesson and experience which left wide smiles on their faces.
No Tears of Fears
While many people shun visits to the dentist (yes, even adults), waiting until there’s a dental emergency will not be a happy experience for your child – especially if you intend to eliminate any fear of dental visits in the future.
Our Champs were very fortunate as the West Coast Dental Clinic was kind enough to host us for a clinic tour and a lesson on dental care and hygiene. Mr Muhammad Hafiz who is an Oral Health Therapist took the lead to educate our Champs on the right way to brush their teeth. He also shared with Champs the tools used by a dentist, plus the other services and products offered at the dental clinic.
Read also: Here’s What Your Kindergartener Gets Up to at MindChamps @ West Coast Plaza

Up close and personal
Our Champs learnt about the importance of taking care of their teeth. With happy and positive encounters such as this, visiting the dentist will no longer be an experience that is filled with trepidation and fear.

Mr Hafiz kindly allowed Champs to sit on the dentist chair, which is an important piece of equipment for any dentist. They goofed around while role-playing patient and dentist which left him amused. Champs also got to see the tools used by dental professionals to examine, treat and extract teeth.
Read also: Learning Through Sensory Play at our Preschool @ West Coast Plaza

They were a curious bunch who eagerly asked questions and listened attentively as Mr Hafiz explained patiently the functions of their teeth and the important role they play in our general health.
One stop dental care
This trip is also concurrent with the learning journey of “Our Human Body” – the lesson theme for Term 2.
Champs were brought to the X-ray room, where they learnt that X-rays are used to diagnose problems that often go unnoticed, such as damage, tumours, and decay between the teeth.

The clinic also has a dedicated room for cleaning and sterilising equipment and tools. To avoid the spread of infections, care needs to be taken by the dental clinic to ensure that all instruments are cleaned and sterilised in a safe manner.
Another interesting room was the room dedicated to making dentures. It was an eye-opening experience as Champs learnt that the dentist will make a mould of a patient’s teeth which will then be sent to the dental laboratory.
Calming dental visits
For our Champs, they will no longer be afraid of whirring machines, sharp instruments and a stranger telling them to “open wide” now. A learning tour like this is indeed an enriching experience which will benefit parents as well, as dental visit jitters will be a thing of the past.