We’ve shared how common it is for parents to send their children to a childcare centre. Similarly, it is not surprising that parents enrol their babies in infant care centres in Singapore too, especially after their maternity leave ends.
Apart from hectic work schedules, parents have discovered that their babies benefit from being enrolled in an infant care centre in Singapore.
Keep your eyes peeled as we find out what these benefits are.
It helps to develop your baby’s linguistic skills
Most infant care centres in Singapore would have prepared infant care programmes to keep your baby entertained. Apart from keeping them stimulated, these infant care programmes help your baby in their linguistic skills too.
Storytelling sessions are most common when it comes to brushing up baby’s language skills. They may not be ready to speak yet but the more often they listen to adults talking, the more they would be familiar with the words. After some time, they will be able to recognise the words and what they are referring to.
As children tend to learn and pick up new things fast, it is always good to start early.
Read also: Demystifying the Difference: Preschools, Kindergartens and Child Care Centres in Singapore
Music lessons help to boost your baby’s cognitive skills
As babies still do not understand words and meanings, music is often played at infant care centres. Although babies may not know how to appreciate music just yet, soothing classical music helps to calm an agitated baby and stimulates their developing brains too.
Additionally, most infant care centres in Singapore have in place toys that are suitable for infants. Such toys usually produce sounds such as tinkling, rattling or pitter patter.
It has been said that infants experience a complex world in which sounds, lights and sensations vary constantly. The baby’s task to recognise patterns of activity and predict what comes next is an important cognitive skill. This has been studied and discovered by researchers as well. Thus, music is the easiest way to activate that area of your baby’s brain during the developmental stage.
Interactions with others at infant care centres in Singapore improve your baby’s social skills
Your child will have greater opportunity to mingle with the other children. Such interaction allows for socialisation to begin at a young age. Furthermore, interacting with peers his or her age allows your child to develop faster.
Read also: Do Premium Childcare Centres in Singapore Prepare Children Better for Primary 1?
By providing your baby with the right environment to thrive, grow and develop, you are already one step ahead and closer for them to live in this society. Infant care centres in Singapore would have trained and certified educarers who, besides babysitting your baby, also help your baby develop better and faster.